Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

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Alcohol abuse is something that affects a significant number of people across the country. Knowing the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse can help set the path to getting these individuals to help and regaining control of their lives. The effects of alcohol abuse can ravage even the most stable household, turning it into a chaotic and toxic environment. Getting help as soon as possible can help prevent permanent changes in the lives of individuals who are struggling. 

What is Alcohol Abuse?

It is fairly normal for people to go out and have a drink after work or with friends on the weekend. However, there can come a point where drinking goes from being a recreational event to a more problematic one. Alcohol abuse is something that can seemingly sneak up into the lives of individuals who find themselves struggling. Normal alcohol consumption in men is considered to be 3 drinks per day and for women, that number is 2 drinks per day. Signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse can include going over this limit as well as being unable to control levels of drinking. 

Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can wreak havoc on a person’s life, physical and mental health, and career. Those who struggle with alcohol often find themselves in a predicament where they continue drinking despite negative consequences. This can include friction in the family structure, trouble with law enforcement, loss of job, decline in productivity with work or school, and impacts on health and wellness. Knowing the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse can help prevent some of these impacts from occurring. Addressing potential alcohol abuse problems in an individual is crucial to preventing severe impacts on their life. Alcohol can cause damage to vital organs within the body that are necessary for functionality. Organs such as the liver, heart, and brain can be impacted by alcohol abuse. Some of these impacts can be irreversible if the individual continues drinking.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

The signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse are important to know if an individual may be struggling themselves, or if they have a loved one struggling. Alcohol causes changes within a person that can be identified easily, and other changes may be more subtle. No matter how obvious, addressing the root causes of alcohol abuse is a vital component of healing and living a healthier lifestyle. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Extreme mood swings
  • Drinking at inappropriate times (i.e. in the morning before work)
  • Engaging in risky behaviors like drinking and driving
  • Using other illicit substances while drinking
  • Angry outbursts
  • Inability to stop or control drinking
  • Slurred speech and lack of coordination
  • Hiding or lying about drinking
  • Avoiding family and friends to drink
  • Impaired memory and thinking


These signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse can help identify potential problems before they become worse. This allows the individual to receive much-needed and necessary care to begin the process of healing and living without using alcohol.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Even moderate drinking can result in building tolerance and dependence on it, resulting in withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to stop drinking. Alcohol withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant for an individual who is experiencing it. Understanding the signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse can help to address alcohol withdrawal. The symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. More severe symptoms can include confusion, hallucinations, or even seizures. The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are best addressed in a professional environment where medical staff can monitor and prevent severe impacts on health and wellness. Other symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can include:

  • Tremors
  • Muscle aches
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion


Anyone who finds themselves struggling with alcohol should consult a professional when it comes to stopping. Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous, and having proper care and support while going through it can help make the process smoother and more successful.


Detox is the first step to treating alcohol abuse and addiction. It is vital to remove the substance from the body, allowing a clear and level head that can retain the skills being taught. Detox provides a safe and healing environment for people to begin healing and gain their footing. It provides a safe place to go through the withdrawal process, addressing any concerns that may arise. Then the individual can begin learning positive and healthy coping skills to maintain a sober lifestyle. A life free from alcohol is possible, and detox is the first step.

Help for The Signs And Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is a condition that plagues the lives of thousands of Americans on a daily basis. The repercussions of alcohol abuse can range from impacts to physical health, mental health, and social status. It can affect the family unit and careers, resulting in loss of trust and jobs. However, those struggling with alcohol have hope for recovery. If you or a loved one are struggling, we can help. At The Healing Center we offer personalized care tailored to the individual’s needs for recovery. Call our admissions team today and begin a happier, healthier lifestyle.