Finding Addiction Treatment in Worcester, MA

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Addiction treatment in Worcester, MA is geared toward helping those who are caught in the grips of addiction to find freedom and begin living a healthier lifestyle. How does treatment work? This is a valid question that many people seeking professional help ask themselves. Addiction is a complex and chronic condition that relapses even after a period of abstinence. Receiving proper support will help to provide a solid beginning to a life in recovery.

Things to Consider for Addiction Treatment

When looking for addiction treatment in Worcester, MA, different things should be considered to ensure that the center is the right fit. These various factors can ensure that the individual’s needs are being met and they are gaining the necessary tools for success. One major factor and barrier to individuals receiving treatment is cost. The cost of healthcare can be great, however, a reputable treatment center helps explain any out-of-pocket costs that someone would be responsible for. These centers also work with insurance to provide the best care at minimal costs. Another factor to consider is any specialties the center may offer. Knowing whether they specialize in drug and alcohol addiction, mental health, or both can help when making an informed decision on entering their program. Other factors can include therapies used, whether they provide dual diagnosis treatment, MAT options, and any aftercare programs available.

Dual Diagnosis

Often, addiction treatment in Worcester, MA entails the treatment of mental health conditions as well. Dual diagnosis is a condition in which an individual struggles with drug and alcohol addiction as well as mental health conditions. It is common for people who struggle with conditions like depression and anxiety to also struggle with addiction. This can be due to self-medication through drugs and alcohol to find relief from the symptoms of the condition. However, it is also common for the use of drugs and alcohol to bring these mental health conditions to the forefront, causing interference in the person’s life. Dual diagnosis provides a space to treat both conditions to ensure a happy and healthy future.

Therapies Used in Addiction Treatment

Therapy is a major component of addiction treatment in Worcester, MA. Comprehensive and proven therapy methods are used to help individuals struggling with drugs and alcohol learn how to cope with life stressors without using substances. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) are commonly used. CBT focuses on helping recognize how feelings and emotions influence behaviors that could be detrimental. It then focuses on changing the negative, self-destructive behaviors into more positive and productive ones. DBT helps those who feel emotions intensely learn how to feel those emotions, without turning to behaviors that could be detrimental. 

Benefits of Addiction Treatment in Worcester, MA

Addiction wreaks havoc on the individuals who find themselves struggling. The condition contributes to chronic unemployment, loss of trust, legal issues, as well as homelessness. The benefits of addiction treatment in Worcester, MA can be immense. Those who receive professional, specialized care for their struggles can learn to live a life free of drug and alcohol addiction. It helps them to learn healthy coping skills, while also working through different things like trauma that contribute to the use of drugs and alcohol. The goal of these places is to help individuals learn to live without using substances. That is the greatest benefit of receiving addiction treatment. 

Addiction Treatment Levels of Care

When considering help, knowing how it works can help with the decision. There are different levels of care when it comes to getting healthy. The first step is completing an honest and thorough assessment. This helps with a recommendation as to what would best help. The first step for anyone actively using substances would be to remove them from the system. Detox provides a safe environment to go through the withdrawal process, under medical professional care. Residential helps to provide a place of healing so that these individuals can become stable. Partial Hospitalization provides a sober living environment, as well as in-depth treatment through individual and group therapy that focuses on the individual’s specific needs. Intensive outpatient programs provide flexibility that allows people to work and live a normal life, without using drugs and alcohol, while still receiving supportive therapies. Lastly, traditional outpatient provides all the same benefits of IOP, on a less frequent basis. 

Overcoming Addiction in Worcester, MA

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing condition that affects the lives of thousands of people across the country daily. Many of these individuals are unaware of the amount of help that is available to them. Addiction treatment aims to help people who are struggling with substance abuse and addiction to learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, free of drug use. If you or a loved one are struggling, The Healing Center is here to help. Call us today and begin your journey of recovery.