Can You Get Addicted To Tramadol?

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As an opioid painkiller, the potential for addiction to tramadol is high. How can you get addicted to tramadol? Understanding the effects of tramadol, and how they can affect a person’s body can help with understanding how someone could become addicted to this drug. The effects of addiction to tramadol can be far-reaching and affect not only the person struggling but their loved ones as well. 

What is Tramadol?

Tramadol is the generic name for drugs such as Ultram, Ryzolt, and Conzip. These drugs are prescribed for short-term treatment of pain. Meant to be prescribed for a maximum of two weeks, tramadol has a potential for misuse and abuse that could lead to dependence and addiction to the substance. Chemically, tramadol is similar to other highly addictive narcotic painkillers such as morphine. Like other painkillers, tramadol binds to the opioid receptors in the brain, which allows a person to perceive pain differently than they would without this drug. Misuse and abuse of this substance can lead to addiction, resulting in dangerous consequences. 

How Long Does It Take to Get Addicted?

Tramadol is a medication meant for short-term use in the treatment of pain. Wondering how long it can take for someone to get addicted to tramadol is a common thought process. Due to its nature, tramadol is only meant to be taken for a short amount of time. They usually are only prescribed for up to two weeks. The amount of time it would take someone to get addicted to tramadol would vary from person to person. However, with its potency and effects on the brain and body, it can take as little as two weeks for someone to get addicted to tramadol.

Signs and Symptoms of Tramadol Addiction

The signs and symptoms of tramadol addiction are similar to those of other addictive substances. Because tramadol binds to the opioid receptors within the brain and, in turn, alleviates the symptoms of pain, it can lead to dependence on this substance within a person’s body. Tramadol effects can also include a sense of euphoria, improved mood, and relation. These effects can often lead someone who is using tramadol to misuse it or mix it with other substances like alcohol, cocaine, or other narcotic painkillers as a means of enhancing these effects. Some other signs of tramadol addiction can include:

  • Doctor shopping, or going to multiple doctors to receive multiple prescriptions for tramadol
  • Increased usage
  • Lying about the usage of tramadol
  • Illegally obtaining tramadol (buying or stealing them from someone)
  • Using it longer than prescribed
  • Engaging in risky behaviors as a result of tramadol use or abuse
  • Gaining a physical dependence on tramadol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms if not able to use tramadol
  • Unsuccessfully trying to stop taking it


Using tramadol for longer than prescribed or at higher doses than prescribed can lead to physical tolerance, resulting in needing more and more of the substance in order to achieve the desired effects. This is how someone can get addicted to tramadol. When the body begins gaining a tolerance, and more of the substance is used, the body becomes accustomed to it. When tramadol is then abruptly taken away or stopped, a person could experience some uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. 

Short and Long-Term Effects of Tramadol

The short-term effects of tramadol can include things such as headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dizziness or lightheadedness, diminished energy levels, excessive sweating, extreme drowsiness, and intoxication. The symptoms and severity of the effects of tramadol will vary from person to person. 

Long-term effects of tramadol can include gastrointestinal issues, lack of sex drive, damage to interpersonal relationships, loss of jobs, persistent unemployment, legal issues, and an increased risk of overdose. Using tramadol long-term can lead to devastating and life-altering results. Sometimes, reversing these consequences can be a challenge. Getting out from the grips of addiction to tramadol is possible, and the right kind of help can make a huge difference in the success of a person’s recovery. 

How is Tramadol Addiction Treated?

Someone who is struggling with, and addicted to, tramadol could experience severely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can make it extremely difficult to stop using the substance. It is highly suggested that professional help be sought, not only to ensure a successful detox but also to ensure safety through this process. Therapies are also very beneficial when it comes to the treatment of tramadol addiction. Getting proper care during this pivotal time is crucial for a person to begin healing and find recovery.

Get Better At The Healing Center

Addiction is a beast that takes over the lives of those struggling with little to no warning. It can lead to health complications, mental health complications, and lead to severe impacts in someone’s life that can be seemingly irreversible. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction to Tramadol, The Healing Center can help. We strive to provide much-needed, personalized care to those who are in need. Call us today and begin a journey of healing and a life of recovery.