Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

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Xanax addiction is an extremely dangerous thing for anyone going through it. The signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction can be visible if someone is watching and paying attention to their loved one’s behaviors. These behaviors include behavioral changes and changes within interpersonal relationships with friends and family. Being able to identify these changes could change the loved one’s life because it could be a catalyst for the friend or family member’s receiving proper care and healing from the addiction. 

What is Xanax?

Xanax, or Alprazolam, is a drug that belongs to the benzodiazepine drug class. These drugs are Schedule IV controlled substances. Generally, Xanax is used to treat insomnia, seizure disorders, and anxiety or panic disorders. They work by slowing the brain activity in the person to alleviate symptoms of these disorders and make it so that the person would be able to live a normal life while managing the symptoms. However, the effects of Xanax can lead people to abuse the drug, and with abuse often comes addiction. Knowing the signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction can help someone encourage their loved one to receive help in order to end the addiction.

Effects of Xanax

The effects of Xanax are what make them so highly abused and misused, and in turn leads to addiction to the drug. Oftentimes, those who use this drug often show signs such as drowsiness, slurred speech, dizziness, and falling in and out of consciousness. When using Xanax for any period of time, someone could easily become dependent on this drug. Signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction can include these effects becoming more and more visible and occurring more often. When dependency occurs, oftentimes a person cannot stop using without showing some withdrawal symptoms of Xanax.

Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Visible signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction are something that a loved one can look out for in those they suspect of addiction. These signs can lead to a loved one encouraging an individual to receive proper care and help in order to recover from addiction to Xanax and begin living a productive life and lifestyle. Having the proper care as someone ends Xanax addiction can help them to maintain a productive lifestyle in order to maintain recovery. 

Lying About Usage

Lying about usage and the amount that someone is using is one of the main signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction. Downplaying the reality of their use, how much and how often they’re using drugs like Xanax, can be an indicator that there is a problem and they may need some professional help in order to stop using and get better. They may want to maintain the illusion that Xanax isn’t interfering with their day-to-day life when in reality they cannot live daily life without using the drug.

Changes in Relationships

Another of the signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction is changes in relationships. Those who are addicted to drugs, including Xanax, often begin to isolate and stop going to hang out with friends and other loved ones. When this happens, it causes changes in those relationships. Addiction also leads to changes in friendships due to changes in the person’s behaviors. 

Mood and Behavioral Changes

Someone who is addicted to Xanax often cannot go for a given amount of time without using the drug. When it is not readily available for use, they may begin to have angry or emotional outbursts, or they may show signs of depression where there were none previously. There may also be behavioral changes such as isolation, treating people poorly, losing interest in enjoyable things, and focusing directly on using. These are other signs and symptoms of Xanax abuse that someone could look out for in a loved one who is struggling with the drug.

Loss of Interest

Those who are struggling with Xanax often lose interest in things they once enjoyed. Hobbies, outside activities, family events, and even jobs are often things a person gives up doing due to addiction to Xanax. Signs and symptoms of Xanax addiction include losing interest in these activities where the individual once enjoyed doing them. 

Xanax Withdrawal 

Receiving proper help when trying to end Xanax abuse can help a person to receive proper care and prevent intense withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can include heightened mental health symptoms like depression and anxiety, muscle cramping and weakness, insomnia, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. One of the major symptoms of Xanax withdrawal is potential seizures. Proper care can help to prevent potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms and ensure that a loved one recovers with minimal discomfort.

Ending Xanax Addiction

Xanax addiction is dangerous. Trying to stop using benzodiazepines like Xanax without professional help can lead to some severe complications. If you or a loved one are struggling with Xanax and trying to stop it, The Healing Center’s drug rehab can help. We offer a comprehensive program, personalized to an individual’s needs. Our on-staff professionals can help as you navigate the beginning stages of recovering from Xanax addiction. Call us today, and begin your journey.