Finding Outpatient Rehab in Brockton

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Outpatient rehab in Brockton can be beneficial for individuals who are struggling with substance use. Addiction to drugs and alcohol can lead to devastating impacts on someone’s life. These impacts can be far-reaching, touching all aspects from physical health to relationships. Often, individuals are unaware that there is help available. There are a variety of programs within Brockton that help those who are struggling to find hope and begin living a happy and healthy lifestyle.

What is Outpatient Rehab?

When it comes to treating addictions, there are many different forms available. The traditional thought process is an inpatient setting. This is when someone goes into a treatment center, typically consisting of a detox and residential, and doesn’t leave this facility until the regiment is completed. However, there is also outpatient. Outpatient (OP) rehab in Brockton is a different type of addiction treatment. While many of the same therapies and activities are available, OP differs in the sense that the individual is generally still able to maintain their daily lifestyle, while still getting the support rehab offers. Often, outpatient is set up to where it can be worked around someone’s schedule. They are usually able to work, go to school, and take care of family obligations while still getting much-needed help. 

Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab in Brockton

As previously stated, when someone thinks of rehab, they generally think of a hospital-like, inpatient setting. This is when someone is in a facility, 24/7, cared for by medical and professional staff around the clock. They undergo the detox process, remove the substances from the system, and then are monitored to ensure they are stable before moving on to the next step of the treatment process. Usually, the next step is an outpatient level of care. Outpatient rehab in Brockton consists of providing help for individuals struggling with substances to learn to live without them. Outpatient is just as it sounds. The individual can truly live their life while getting proper care and support for their recovery. They can usually go to work, go to school, go out with friends and family, attend support meetings, and grow while still going to the therapeutic setting of addiction treatment. 

Who is OP Best Suited For?

Outpatient is a lower level of care. This form of addiction treatment is best suited to the needs of individuals who are not currently dependent on any substances. These individuals have generally undergone detox, removed the toxins from their system, and been monitored for stabilization. Outpatient rehab in Brockton provides therapy and support for individuals who have addiction issues but have physically stopped using drugs and alcohol. There isn’t around-the-clock medical care during outpatient, which is why this level of care is best suited for individuals who have been able to sustain a period of abstinence from using drugs and alcohol. 

Types of OP in Brockton

When it comes to outpatient rehab in Brockton, there are different levels. First, there is partial hospitalization or PHP. PHP is usually the next step after an inpatient stay. This level of care provides therapeutic care, where the individual can identify and process triggers with a mental health professional while having a sober living environment where they can care for themselves without temptation. After PHP is usually an intensive outpatient program (IOP). This is often 3-5 times per week, during designated hours. IOP is another level of outpatient that allows more freedom and is less restrictive. The hours of the group and individual sessions allow people to maintain a work or school schedule and take care of their household responsibilities. These individuals receive care through therapies such as CBT and DBT which aim to change negative thinking and behavior patterns into more positive and productive ones. General outpatient (OP) is the least restrictive form of outpatient rehab in Brockton. It provides 1-2 days of therapeutic support where the same therapies and group therapies can provide recovery support and the person can keep up with daily responsibilities. All forms of outpatient rehab can be beneficial for the individual seeking help.

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab in Brockton

When it comes to outpatient rehab, there are endless benefits. Lower levels of care provided in outpatient allow for individuals to have support to maintain their recovery. They can gain the tools and knowledge needed for long-term recovery such as coping skills and how to make it through triggering moments without turning to drugs and alcohol. It provides the freedom needed to work and take care of children, while still getting better. Drugs and alcohol wreak havoc on the lives of individuals who are struggling with substances, and having the right support can make a huge difference in successful recovery. Addiction is a disease, but recovery is possible. The benefits of outpatient help can aid this process and allow for the individual to gain a solid foundation to build their recovery. 

Find Outpatient Rehab in Brockton

Struggling with substance use is a difficult task. The impact of addiction on someone’s health and overall well-being can be severe, and sometimes these impacts can be irreversible. From health issues to broken relationships, addiction can wreak havoc on the lives of those who are struggling. However, there is help available. At The Healing Center, we strive to provide the best care possible for those who need assistance. Call us today if you or a loved one are looking for help.